

from the Idea to the

White dividing bar pictures

from the
Idea to the

White dividing bar pictures

conspecto -> red thread

"A goal without a plan is just a wish."
~ Lary Elder




Plan drawing house construction

Project planning and architecture

Together with partner offices, conspecto covers the entire range of planning for your construction project. From the initial idea to preliminary studies and drafts, from the submission of your construction project to implementation and detailed planning, as well as the necessary coordination with specialist planners and authorities.


Shaking hands

Tendering and awarding

conspecto supports you in the tendering process at all necessary project stages. The procedure can be agreed individually: Preparation of service descriptions according to the current service books for building construction or preparation of a functional tender, naturally including the necessary enclosures, so that the right companies can be found to carry out your construction project. Other services include handling the tendering process, reviewing tenders, assisting or supporting you in negotiations and awarding the contract.


Bernd Rumpf at Reininghaus construction site Read plan

After successful planning and the awarding process, conspecto offers you the service of ÖBA to coordinate and control the construction activities during the entire execution period. The focus is on quality, deadline and cost control. We take over the coordination with the executing professionals for you, lead the weekly construction meetings, provide support in supplementary management, take care of the acceptance and support during the rectification of defects and, if required, we also look after the property during the warranty period.

Local building supervision


Bernd Rumpf on the Reininghaus construction site with a view 6


conspecto accompanies you throughout the entire planning and execution process in accordance with the BauKG (planning and construction site coordination). We draw up the health and safety plan for you, including all enclosures, supervise the project with regard to "safety in construction" during the execution phase, coordinate with the professionals on a weekly basis, keep the BauKG records and draw up the final report on the construction project for you with regard to the BauKG.



Project planning and architecture

Together with partner offices, conspecto covers the entire range of planning for your construction project. From the initial idea to preliminary studies and drafts, from the submission of your construction project to implementation and detailed planning, as well as the necessary coordination with specialist planners and authorities.


Tendering and awarding

conspecto supports you in the tendering process at all necessary project stages. The procedure can be agreed individually: Preparation of service descriptions according to the current service books for building construction or preparation of a functional tender, naturally including the necessary enclosures, so that the right companies can be found to carry out your construction project. Other services include handling the tendering process, reviewing tenders, assisting or supporting you in negotiations and awarding the contract.


Local building supervision

After successful planning and the awarding process, conspecto offers you the service of ÖBA to coordinate and control the construction activities during the entire execution period. The focus is on quality, deadline and cost control. We take over the coordination with the executing professionals for you, lead the weekly construction meetings, provide support in supplementary management, take care of the acceptance and support during the rectification of defects and, if required, we also look after the property during the warranty period.



conspecto accompanies you throughout the entire planning and execution process in accordance with the BauKG (planning and construction site coordination). We draw up the health and safety plan for you, including all enclosures, supervise the project with regard to "safety in construction" during the execution phase, coordinate with the professionals on a weekly basis, keep the BauKG records and draw up the final report on the construction project for you with regard to the BauKG.


Services in cooperation

In addition to the services already described, conspecto also offers you the following services in cooperation with partner offices: Statics and structural planning, furnishings and design, planning of outdoor facilities, geotechnical reports and support, building physics, fire protection and TGA planning. So you can get everything from a single source if required.

Services in cooperation


In addition to the services already described, conspecto also offers you the following services in cooperation with partner offices: Statics and structural planning, furnishings and design, planning of outdoor facilities, geotechnical reports and support, building physics, fire protection and TGA planning. So you can get everything from a single source if required.

Contact us

conspecto -> Respect

"Fairness towards all project participants over the entire course of the project is the cornerstone of any good collaboration and any successful construction project!" ~ Bernd Rumpf



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Company formation conspecto

From the idea to the foundation

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Management, Organization
Period: summer 2021
Completion: 10/2021
The first project - conspecto
From the idea to the company launch - here too, I remained true to the principle and proceeded purposefully, efficiently and solution-oriented in the preparation for the foundation in order to be able to open the office on 01.10.2021.
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OSMO Leonberg West

Further support of the project

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Partial services ÖBA and project management on behalf of Gobli GmbH
Start of construction: 10/2021
Completion: 04/2023
New construction of an office & workshop building
For gobli architects & engineers (general planner), partial services of local construction supervision and project management were taken over during the construction of an office and workshop building in Leonberg near Stuttgart. Client: GAW technologies GmbH
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Amstetten natural pool

Revitalization of the swimming pool

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Preparation of tender documents
Period: 2022 and 2023
Completion: planned for 2024
For ARGE Naturbad Amstetten (general planner), the tender documents and service specifications of all constructional trades were created with the current service description for building construction. conspecto also carried out tender reviews and participated in the awarding of contracts and thus the entire service phase 6 (LM.OA). Client: Municipality of Amstetten
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Amstetten depot

New building and service yard

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Participation in the preparation of the LV for Gobli GmbH
Period: 2022
Completion: planned for 2023
Partial services were undertaken for gobli architects & engineers in the preparation of the specifications. The documents were created using the current building construction specifications. Client: Municipality of Amstetten
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Hartlauer Bad Aussee

Conversion and extension of the business premises and apartments

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Preparation of the tender documents
Period: 2023
Completion: 2024
For ROSA Architektur ZT GmbH, the tender documents and bills of quantities for all structural engineering trades were prepared using the current specifications for building construction. conspecto also carried out the tender reviews and participated in the awarding of the contract and thus the entire service phase 6 (LM.OA). Client: Hartlauer Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.

conspecto -> consensus

"We may have all arrived in different ships, but now we're in the same boat."
 ~ Martin Luther King



Bernd Rumpf on the Reininghaus shell construction site View


Further training

Bernd Rumpf on woodpile Reininghaus construction site

The tried and tested and innovation

Bernd Rumpf on the Reininghaus construction site View from the shell


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Educational pathway
BM DI Bernd Rumpf

Advanced training: MS Project

Qualification examination for real estate trustees
restricted to property developers

Further training:
Standardized service description (LB-HB 20)
Planning and construction site coordination in accordance with the BauKG

Qualification examination for master builder (BM)

2007 - 2009 | FH Joanneum | Graz
Master's program (DI)
Architecture and project management

2004 - 2007 | FH Joanneum | Graz
Bachelor's degree (BSc)
Construction planning and construction industry
Focus: Architecture and commercial construction

1995 - 2003
| BRG | Hartberg

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Educational pathway BM DI Bernd Rumpf


Advanced training: MS Project


Qualification examination for real estate trustees
restricted to property developers


Further training:
Standardized service description (LB-HB 20)
Planning and construction site coordination in accordance with the BauKG


Qualification examination for master builder (BM)

2007 – 2009
FH Joanneum

Master's program (DI)
Architecture and project management

2004 – 2007
FH Joanneum

Bachelor's degree (BSc)
Construction planning and construction industry
Focus: Architecture and commercial construction

1995 – 2003
BRG Hartberg


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Professional experience
BM DI Bernd Rumpf


2021 October
Foundation of conspecto

Project manager | Project manager | Civil engineer
at Gobli GmbH

Construction technician on a contract basis
in the architectural office Arch. DI Werner Schwarzenbacher

2009 - 2011
Civil engineer
in the architectural office
Arch. DI Anton Hermann Handler

2007 - 2009 Internships:

Civil engineer (part-time)
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
with architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Heiner Hierzegger

Compulsory construction trainee at HAAS Fertigbau Holzbauwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Building yard practice

Professional experience BM DI Bernd Rumpf


Foundation of conspecto

2011 – 2021

Project Manager | Project Manager | Civil Engineering Employee at Gobli GmbH


Building technician on a contract basis in the architectural office Arch. DI Werner Schwarzenbacher

2009 – 2011

Structural engineer in the architectural office Arch. DI Anton Hermann Handler

2004 – 2009

Civil engineer (part-time)
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
with architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Heiner Hierzegger

Compulsory construction intern
at HAAS Fertigbau Holzbauwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Building yard practice

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Arrow long right
Educational pathway
Bernd Rumpf on the Reininghaus shell terrace
Bernd Rumpf in Rohbau Reininghaus
Arrow long right
Berfus experience
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Professional experience
BM DI Bernd Rumpf


2021 October
Foundation of conspecto

Project manager | Project manager | Civil engineer
at Gobli GmbH

Construction technician on a contract basis
in the architectural office Arch. DI Werner Schwarzenbacher

2009 - 2011
Civil engineer
in the architectural office
Arch. DI Anton Hermann Handler

2007 - 2009 Internships:

Civil engineer (part-time)
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
with architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Heiner Hierzegger

Compulsory construction trainee at HAAS Fertigbau Holzbauwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Building yard practice

Professional experience BM DI Bernd Rumpf


Foundation of conspecto

2011 – 2021

Project Manager | Project Manager | Civil Engineering Employee at Gobli GmbH


Building technician on a contract basis in the architectural office Arch. DI Werner Schwarzenbacher

2009 – 2011

Structural engineer in the architectural office Arch. DI Anton Hermann Handler

2004 – 2009

Civil engineer (part-time)
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
with architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Heiner Hierzegger

Compulsory construction intern
at HAAS Fertigbau Holzbauwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Building yard practice

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Educational pathway
BM DI Bernd Rumpf

Advanced training: MS Project

Qualification examination for real estate trustees
restricted to property developers

Further training:
Standardized service description (LB-HB 20)
Planning and construction site coordination in accordance with the BauKG

Qualification examination for master builder (BM)

2007 - 2009 | FH Joanneum | Graz
Master's program (DI)
Architecture and project management

2004 - 2007 | FH Joanneum | Graz
Bachelor's degree (BSc)
Construction planning and construction industry
Focus: Architecture and commercial construction

1995 - 2003
| BRG | Hartberg

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Educational pathway BM DI Bernd Rumpf


Advanced training: MS Project


Qualification examination for real estate trustees
restricted to property developers


Further training:
Standardized service description (LB-HB 20)
Planning and construction site coordination in accordance with the BauKG


Qualification examination for master builder (BM)

2007 – 2009
FH Joanneum

Master's program (DI)
Architecture and project management

2004 – 2007
FH Joanneum

Bachelor's degree (BSc)
Construction planning and construction industry
Focus: Architecture and commercial construction

1995 – 2003
BRG Hartberg


conspecto -> behold

"I am fascinated by the creation of every building. Especially when you've been involved in the planning beforehand. Milestones, such as the completion of the shell or the placing of the last beam, are special moments in any construction project."
~ Bernd Rumpf



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Educational pathway
BM DI Bernd Rumpf

Advanced training: MS Project

Qualification examination for real estate trustees
restricted to property developers

Further training:
Standardized service description (LB-HB 20)
Planning and construction site coordination in accordance with the BauKG

Qualification examination for master builder (BM)

2007 - 2009 | FH Joanneum | Graz
Master's program (DI)
Architecture and project management

2004 - 2007 | FH Joanneum | Graz
Bachelor's degree (BSc)
Construction planning and construction industry
Focus: Architecture and commercial construction

1995 - 2003
| BRG | Hartberg

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Educational pathway BM DI Bernd Rumpf


Advanced training: MS Project


Qualification examination for real estate trustees
restricted to property developers


Further training:
Standardized service description (LB-HB 20)
Planning and construction site coordination in accordance with the BauKG


Qualification examination for master builder (BM)

2007 – 2009
FH Joanneum

Master's program (DI)
Architecture and project management

2004 – 2007
FH Joanneum

Bachelor's degree (BSc)
Construction planning and construction industry
Focus: Architecture and commercial construction

1995 – 2003
BRG Hartberg


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Professional experience
BM DI Bernd Rumpf


2021 October
Foundation of conspecto

Project manager | Project manager | Civil engineer
at Gobli GmbH

Construction technician on a contract basis
in the architectural office Arch. DI Werner Schwarzenbacher

2009 - 2011
Civil engineer
in the architectural office
Arch. DI Anton Hermann Handler

2007 - 2009 Internships:

Civil engineer (part-time)
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
with architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Heiner Hierzegger

Compulsory construction trainee at HAAS Fertigbau Holzbauwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Building yard practice

Professional experience BM DI Bernd Rumpf


Foundation of conspecto

2011 – 2021

Project Manager | Project Manager | Civil Engineering Employee at Gobli GmbH


Building technician on a contract basis in the architectural office Arch. DI Werner Schwarzenbacher

2009 – 2011

Structural engineer in the architectural office Arch. DI Anton Hermann Handler

2004 – 2009

Civil engineer (part-time)
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
at GRAZT Architektur ZT GmbH

Construction trainee
with architect Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Techn. Heiner Hierzegger

Compulsory construction intern
at HAAS Fertigbau Holzbauwerk GmbH & Co. KG

Building yard practice

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become part of
of the team

become part of
of the team

Apply on your own initiative
Bernd Rumpf on construction site

conspecto -> present

"If you want to build high towers, you have to spend a long time
foundation." ~ Josef Anton Bruckner


Planning and construction management
Owner BM DI Bernd Rumpf

+43 664 41 58 825

Kratkystrasse 10a/38
8020 Graz, Austria

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If you want to build high towers, you have to spend a long time
Lingering foundations - Josef Anton Bruckner


conspecto | Planning and construction management
Sole proprietorship

Owner: BM DI Bernd Rumpf
Location of the business license:
Kratkystraße 10a/38, 8020 Graz, Austria
Object of the company: planning master builder

Contact details:
Mobile: +43 664 41 58 825
UID number: ATU77294027 

Memberships with the Chamber of Commerce organization
Member of the WKO and WKO Styria
Member of the Federal Construction Guild and the Styrian Construction Guild

Applicable legislation and access to professional law:
Trade regulations:

Trade authority Graz district authority
Professional title: Master builder, limited to the planning and calculation of buildings, civil engineering works and other related constructions

Awarding country: Austria

Data protection

Data protection
The protection of your personal data is of particular concern to us. We therefore process your data exclusively on the basis of the statutory provisions (GDPR, TKG 2003). In this data protection information, we inform you about the most important aspects of data processing on our website.

Contact with us
If you contact us in writing, by telephone or by e-mail, the data you provide will be stored by us for the duration of the statutory retention period for the purpose of processing your inquiry and in the event of follow-up questions. We will not pass this data on to third parties without your consent.

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Further information:
Data processing is carried out on the basis of the statutory provisions of Section 96 (3) TKG and Art. 6 (1) (a) (consent) and/or (f) (legitimate interest) of the GDPR.

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Google Maps
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The user data is stored and retained for the duration of the statutory retention period. After this period has expired, the corresponding data is routinely deleted, provided it is no longer required for contract fulfillment, contract initiation or project implementation.

Updating the provisions
We reserve the right to amend these provisions at any time in accordance with business requirements.

Your rights
In principle, you have the right to information, correction, deletion, restriction, data portability, revocation and objection with regard to your data stored by us. If you believe that the processing of your data violates data protection law or that your data protection rights have been violated in any other way, you can complain to us at or to the data protection authority.

Of course, we will be happy to provide you with information on data protection on our website at any time.

Conspecto | Planning and construction management
Owner: BM DI Bernd Rumpf
Kratkystraße 10a/38, 8020 Graz
Mobile: +43 664 41 58 825